Winners of the Photoshoot Giveaway Announced!


Hey guys

Hope you had a wonderful weekend. Just wanted to say a big thank you to everyone who entered into the giveaway and now the moment you have all been waiting for....the winners of the photoshoots (selected at random) are :

Funmilayo Erikitola


Amuche Agu

Congratulations guys and I am definitely looking forward to meeting and shooting you (in the nicest way possible). 🙂

Have a great week everyone and because no post is complete without an's one from this weekend's wedding. I do love me some bling.

So if you are engaged or about to be engaged and are interested in working with me, then drop me a mail at or via the contact form at the top of the website. While you are at it, why don’t you join me and the WOP rockstars on my facebook page – where we can chat about all things wedding and photography  as well as life in general. I’ll be expecting you.icon smile Sneak Peek At My Packaging (and Why Wednesdays Are So Awesome)


nigeria wedding photographer 0049

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